Scientists By

Award Program
Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award
Supports the next generation of exceptionally creative thinkers with high-risk, high-reward ideas that have the potential to significantly impact our understanding of and approaches to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer.
Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award
Supports early career physician-scientists conducting patient-oriented research. The goal of this innovative program is to increase the number of physicians capable of moving seamlessly between the laboratory and the patient’s bedside in search of breakthrough treatments.
Damon Runyon Fellowship Award
Supports the training of the brightest postdoctoral scientists as they embark upon their research careers. This funding enables them to be mentored by established investigators in leading research laboratories across the country.
Damon Runyon-Sohn Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award
Supports dedicated basic scientists and clinicians who conduct research with the potential to significantly impact the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of one or more pediatric cancers.
Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists
Supports a select few Damon Runyon Fellows who have greatly exceeded the Foundation’s highest expectations. This additional investment in these exceptional individuals will help catapult their research careers and their impact on cancer.
Damon Runyon Physician-Scientist Training Award
Supports and encourages outstanding physicians to pursue cancer research careers by providing them with the opportunity for a protected research training experience under the mentorship of a highly qualified and gifted mentor.
Damon Runyon Quantitative Biology Fellowship Award
Supports quantitative scientists (trained in fields such as mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering, or related) to pursue research careers in computational biology.
Damon Runyon-St. Jude Pediatric Cancer Research Fellowship Award
The Damon Runyon-St. Jude Pediatric Cancer Research Fellowship Award provides funding to early career scientists conducting research with the potential to significantly impact the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of one or more pediatric cancers.
Damon Runyon Scholars Program for Advancing Research and Knowledge Award
Damon Runyon wants to ensure that the best young college students and recent college graduates are encouraged to pursue rigorous scientific education and to commit their talents to tackling longstanding challenges in cancer research. We recognize that these emerging scientists will come from a variety of backgrounds. To provide those with the talent, passion, curiosity, and determination to pursue a career in cancer research with an opportunity to do so, we are introducing the Damon Runyon Scholars Program for Advancing Research and Knowledge (SPARK).