Dr. Gu’s lab studies how cells regulate the destruction of proteins without using the typical "ubiquitin" tag, which signals that a protein should be transported to the proteasome for digestion and recycling of amino acids. The lab has discovered a new pathway, the midnolin-proteasome pathway, that helps degrade key proteins involved in cancer, including several linked to blood cancers like multiple myeloma. The lab’s goal is to understand this pathway better and explore how it might be used to develop new treatments, especially for blood cancers, by targeting specific proteins that drive disease.
Damon Runyon Researchers
Meet Our ScientistsXin Gu, PhD
Project title: “Catching transcription factors for degradation via the midnolin-proteasome pathway”
Institution: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School
Award Program: Dale Frey Scientist
Cancer Type: Blood, All Cancers
Research Area: Cell Biology