Damon Runyon Researchers

Meet Our Scientists
Yiyin Erin Chen, MD, PhD

Dr. Chen’s research aims to harness a common skin-colonizing bacterium, present on all our skin, to train the immune system to attack cancer without causing infection or inflammation. This process is known to occur—notably, across an intact skin barrier—but its mechanism is not well understood. Dr. Chen is investigating which skin cells sense these bacteria and transmit the signal to immune cells, and why the immune cells that respond are so effective at killing cancer. Ultimately, she intends to develop a new type of cancer vaccine using engineered skin bacteria to activate immune cells to effectively target and destroy tumors. While the project’s current focus is melanoma, the goal is to apply this therapeutic approach across cancer types.

Project title: "Skin commensal bacteria as a novel source of systemic antitumor immunity"
Institution: The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Award Program: Innovator
Cancer Type: All Cancers
Research Area: Immunotherapy