When an organism is developing, it must correct mistakes that might occur at the level of individual cells or tissues. Dr. Triandafillou [National Mah Jongg League Fellow] wants to better understand how error correction systems work, and why they might not work in cases like cancer. To explore these developmental questions, Dr. Triandafillou uses what are called gastruloids, 3D clusters of stem cells that can organize themselves and transform into the basic building blocks of an organism. She developed a method using microscopy to trace the history of these cells and measure how much their past state and history influence what they become. Dr. Triandafillou wants to see how differences in individual cells might impact what those cells eventually turn into, and how such differences affect the correction of mistakes like abnormal growth, bias in cell types, or missing cell types. She is also interested in how the cells around an error react to it. Dr. Triandafillou received her PhD from the University of Chicago and her BS from Temple University.
Damon Runyon Researchers
Meet Our ScientistsCatherine Triandafillou, PhD
Project title: "Illuminating error correction strategies in early development"
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Named Award: National Mah Jongg League Fellow
Award Program: Fellow
Sponsor(s) / Mentor(s): Arjun Raj, PhD
Cancer Type: Colorectal, Skin, All Cancers
Research Area: Evolution